Mentorship Program Graduate - Next Level Exchange (2023)
Top Shelf Retail Graduate - Women’s Business Development Center (2021)
GovCon-Airports Graduate - Women’s Business Development Center (2021)
ScaleUp Graduate - Women’s Business Development Center (2020)
“Brilliant Ideas that Never Saw the Light of Day” Award - Public Relations Association of Central Illinois (2019)
2019 Best of Peoria “Best New/Emerging Artist” Nominee - Peoria Magazines (2019)
2018 Best of Peoria “Best Entrepreneur” Nominee - Peoria Magazines (2018)
Small Business Excellence Award - City of Peoria (2017)
American Advertising Awards: Peoria (2018) - 2 Golds, 2 Judges' Choice, District 6 (2018) - Silver; Peoria (2017) - 2 Golds, Silver, and Judges' Choice; Peoria (2016) - Gold, Silver, and Best of Show, District 6 (2016) - Gold, National (2016) - Silver
Project Springboard New Business Venture Competition (2016) - First Place - $10,000 in Startup Funding
Startup Weekend Peoria (2016) - First Place
Brave Pitch (2016) - First Place
Student Scholarship Expo at Bradley University (2016) - Presidential Award