A Recap of Our 10 Artist Trades from 2023
In December 2022, I launched the Artist Trade Program, a concept to bypass the need for myself to make more money in order to get original artwork and cool art services and also allow artists to bypass the need to make more money from their art in order to invest in their arts businesses.
My first artist trade was completed in January 2023 with Meghan of Bridging Canvas and throughout 2023, I completed ten trades with artists. Here’s a closer look at the amazing things I received from artist friends new and old, as well as a guide to what I am looking to trade for in 2024.
1. Custom Embroidered Artwork for Consulting Sessions
Meghan created an incredible piece of embroidery inspired by the Albaicín in Granada, Spain as her part of the trade. This trade allowed us to bond over our love of travel and Granada. I provided consulting sessions on topics of pricing and branding that were tailored to where Meghan was at with her business. She had already completed the Self-Made Artist Academy online course, so she was able to use our time for very specific and advanced questions.
Here’s what Meghan had to say about our trade: “I cannot thank Lettering Works enough for the value they have given me. When I first started Self-Made Artist Academy, I didn't realize what great connections I would make along the way. Chelsie has always been a huge advocate for my work and her actions show that. After we wrapped up our last consulting session, I felt so excited to get started on making pricing packages and designing my website. I had the same level of excitement when I finished the custom Albaicín piece.
Prior to our consultations, I lacked confidence with a lot of things related to my business. Lettering Works showed me that I can do this has made me stronger as a small business owner.”
Find Meghan’s work on Instagram: @bridgingcanvas and bridgingcanvas.com.
2. Promo Video for Consulting Session
Korrigan created a fun promotional video for the Artist Trade Program in exchange for consulting to help him build a solid foundation for his videography business.
Here’s what Korrigan had to say about our trade: “Working with Chelsie and Lettering Works was so much fun. My experience trading a promotional video for a 1-1 business coaching session was very helpful. I learned about email automation and other business tactics that I did not have in place. Chelsie is a blast to work with and I loved being able to offer my services in exchange for hers!”
Find Korrigan’s work on Instagram: @enrg.films and enrgfilms.com.
3. Copywriting for Brand Strategy Consulting
Julianne helped rewrite the Lettering Works homepage, branding page, and about page as her part of the trade. This trade was part of a larger project to rebrand her business, Enneagram Empress. For the trade portion of the project, I provided brand strategy consulting sessions in addition to the visual branding work she hired me to do.
Here’s what Julianne had to say about our trade and work together: “The experience was wonderful. I love that you offer this option and how you believe in the creative potential of others. I really see it as community building. It's like, you share your talents to create something that benefits you both. I absolutely loved working with you on your website copy and I got a lot out of the experience.”
Find Julianne’s work on Instagram: @enneagramempress and julianneishler.com.
4. Custom Ring for Access to Self-Made Artist Academy
Custom Ring designed by Amanda
Amanda created a stunning custom ring for me as a trade for access to Self-Made Artist Academy. Amanda is one of my closest friends from high school and currently lives in the UK, so I love having a piece of her artwork as a part of my everyday jewelry collection. She’s had her business, dodola design, as a side hustle for a while and was curious to know more about what going full-time in the future might entail.
Here’s what Amanda had to say about her experience: “Lettering Works' Self Made Artist Academy really asked the right questions to drill down what I actually wanted to get out of my crafting. The trade program was such a brilliant opportunity for me to access the course, I'm not sure I would have been able to justify the investment otherwise. I would highly recommend the trade program to anyone who wants to learn how to take the next steps and figure out where they want to take their work - it gives you the opportunity to really realistically hone in on where you want to grow!”
Find Amanda’s work on Instagram: @dodoladesign.
5 & 6. Custom Apartment Portraits for Access to Self-Made Artist Academy
House Portrait by Abby Brown Seiple
House Portrait by Dan Ossandón
Abby Brown Seiple created a gorgeous watercolor portrait of our Chicago apartment (complete with 100+ tiny bricks) for access to Self-Made Artist Academy.
Here’s what Abby had to say about our trade: “Chelsie is incredibly generous with the knowledge and insights she shares. In walking through the wisdom she has accumulated over the years, Chelsie provides crucial tools to anyone looking to bolster their own small business. And with her Artist Trade Program, Chelsie makes her Self-Made Artist Academy available to a broader creative community.”
Find Abby’s work on Instagram: @abbybrowncreative and abbybrowncreative.com.
Dan Ossandón created a vibrant digital portrait of our first Chicago apartment (our first apartment together that he also helped Daniel and me move into from Peoria) for access to Self-Made Artist Academy.
Here’s what Dan had to say about our trade: “Working with Lettering Works was rad; the Artist Trade Program allowed me to exchange my graphic art for access to the Self-Made Artist Academy—a valuable six-week online course with diverse weekly modules. It was a great experience for an up-and-coming artist like myself, and I recommend the program to those seeking both fun collaboration and educational opportunities.”
Find Dan’s work on Instagram: @dano_dro.
7. Custom Painting for Access to Self-Made Artist Academy
Kat Sampson created a fun painting, inspired by one of her previous public works, for access to Self-Made Artist Academy.
Find Kat’s work on Instagram: @katsamp and katsamp.wixsite.com.
8. Gourmet Modern Candy for Access to Self-Made Artist Academy
Marianna Reynolds traded the best-tasting modern candy in Logan Square (maybe all of Chicago? the United States? the world?) for access to Self-Made Artist Academy.
Here’s what Marianna had to say about our trade: “Self-employment, especially in the creative field, can lead to tunnel vision when it comes to growing your business and expanding your product line. The Seld-Made Artist program made me think dynamically about what other services and skills I can offer in addition to the physical product that I sell. It was really eye-opening and presented in a real-life achievable manner.”
Find Marianna’s delicious Jitterbug Sweets on Instagram: @jitterbug.sweets and jitterbugsweets.com.
9. Custom Painting for Access to Self-Made Artist Academy
Anna Rae Aurora traded a lovely watercolor painting of a public-transit-inspired scene for access to Self-Made Artist Academy.
Here’s what Anna had to say about our trade: “The Artist Trade program with Lettering Works was an amazing opportunity to learn from one's successes as a creative mind in the market. The Artist Trade program is perfect for you f you are an artist that is looking for a formal trade of your art for insight from an amazing local entrepreneur and artist. I created a 22”x30” watercolor painting of a Chicago cityscape for Chelsie in exchange for a series of recordings with a slew of sage advice + directives from which I feel many would benefit.”
Find Anna’s work on Instagram: @annaraeaurora and annarae.art.
10. Professional Photography for Custom Composting Stickers
Shannon D. Wyatt traded professional photography sessions - I got some really fun headshots and pedestrian-inspired shots around my neighborhood as well as photos of myself and some of my closest friends and family over my 30th birthday - in exchange for two custom composting designs that were turned into stickers.
Here’s what Shannon had to say about our trade: “I love how simple the trade process is and that Chelsie is so easy going as well as photogenic! It was so fun! Her other idea of me taking photos for her birthday and bachelorette was also great and pulled out some of my own creativity that I didn’t know I had. Not a photoshoot I would normally agree too, but I’m glad I did and it was so fun! I also love that I was able to be a part of the design and together, create a unique product. I hope the product will be able to expand as well to promote her business even more.”
Find Shannon’s work on Instagram: @sdwyattphotography and sdwyattphotography.com.
2024 Artist Trade Goals
Here’s a non-exhaustive list of trades that I am actively looking for in 2024. With my Midwest Wedding Tour starting in May, I have some extra needs personally, which means there are more opportunities available for you!
Depending on the cost of your services and products, you can expect to receive anything from access to online courses (ranging in value from $40-$500) to 1:1 consulting (sliding scale from $100-$300) to logo design services (ranging from $1,000-$3,000+) to full branding services (ranging from $2,500-$5,000+). I offer partial trades and am always happy to answer any questions to ensure we are on the same page and feeling mutually valued.
Hair stylist (regular cuts + simple styling for courthouse wedding) - ideally Logan Square based
Small-batch or non-toxic skincare products (with a focus on a daily skincare routine)
Nail technician or nail salon (regular manicures and pedicures)
Original artwork - custom pottery for everyday dining, paintings, stained glass, large-format artwork, jewelry
Cleaning service for apartment (bi-weekly or monthly cleanings), professional organizing services, weekly meal prep, or related domestic support
Food from local restaurants
Bonus Wedding Tour Related Needs:
Wedding photographer or videographer (for courthouse wedding on 5/24/24)
Makeup artist (for courthouse wedding on 5/24/24)
Midwest Wedding Tour Photographer - Milwaukee, Chicago, Peoria
Catering for various 6-20 person events
Event planning services
If you or someone you know offer one of these listed products or services and could use help building your business or brand from Lettering Works, please get in touch!
Hi! I’m Chelsie, the artist and owner behind Lettering Works, LLC. I founded Lettering Works in 2016 after receiving $10,000 in startup funding, which means I’ve always operated from a place of security. This is a luxury that many business owners do not have. This allows me to offer flexible payment plans and trades on a regular basis. This new artist trade program is an extension of that and aligns with my values of being transparent, kind, and helpful.