Lettering Works Business Journal - September in Review

Business Journal: a place to celebrate wins & reflect - 33rd Edition

Owning my own business means getting to prioritize personal things and this month sure had a lot of them! September’s highlights included getting engaged in Spain, launching a new book sticker collection, restocking retail shops, and preparing for the Brand New Conference.

Engagement photo by Granada Photographer

New Granada-inspired design

New design from the book collection

The Big Wins

Packaging wholesale orders - Kara Hoganson Photo

Optimizing Faire account - Kara Hoganson Photo

Parents’ anniversary celebration complete with a Bartleby’s ice cream cake

My college roommate Carley’s bachelorette party in Chicago

My kindergarten best friend Michelle’s bridal shower (with our moms, who are also best friends)

New Austin, Texas stickers will make their debut at the Brand New Conference October 3rd

General Updates + Accomplishments:

  • Restocked some favorite shops including Paperish Mess for their 10-year anniversary celebration as well as a shop I had been working on selling to for quite a while, Souvenir City Chicago (they ordered twice in September).

  • Updated the Lettering Works wholesale catalog and further optimized information on Faire to streamline our wholesale processes and product availability.

  • Celebrated lots of love - our engagement, my parents’ 33rd wedding anniversary, my college roommate Carley at her bachelorette party, and my kindergarten best friend Michelle at her bridal shower.

  • Enjoyed the last bit of summer in Chicago. We attended The Killers concert at the United Center, saw Wicked on opening night, and caught the Nick Cave exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art for a third time before it closes on October 2nd.

  • Created an updated logo for season four of Midwest Slice of Life, a Marty Wombacher (of Meanwhile Back in Peoria) production and opened my schedule for additional fall projects.

  • Prepped for the 2022 Brand New Conference in Austin, Texas by making some Austin-inspired souvenir stickers to hand out to fellow conference goers.

September was filled with travel, celebrations, and relaxing - so much so that I’ll be ready to get into some new projects in October. If you’d like to work together this fall, now is the time to reach out.

In October, I’m looking forward to attending the long-awaited Brand New Conference (we’ve had tickets since October 2019), as well as going to three friends’ weddings. I will also be co-hosting Sunnyside Chats again on October 19th. I’d love to see you there; you can grab your ticket here.

Thank you for being here, for supporting me, and for following along with my entrepreneurial journey.

PS - Have a project you’d like to chat about? Grab your free 20-minute project consultation + ensure your project gets on my calendar in 2022. Bring on all the logos, branded merchandise, + brand identity projects… let’s make some beautiful + impactful things together.


Lettering Works Business Journal - October in Review


Lettering Works Launches New Sticker Collection with Independent Bookstores in Mind