Get out and VOTE!

Do your civic duty and get out and vote!


If you are able to vote, it is important that you make a plan and do so. While it is not a requirement to vote, it is an important civic duty and individual responsibility to keep our democracy alive.

If you are a woman, you should feel even more compelled to vote this year as 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which guarantees and protects women’s constitutional right to vote.

Three Reasons You Should Vote (if you haven’t already):

  1. Your voice matters

    Use your voice to advocate for what you care about, and what you want to see in our nation. Your power is in your vote and showing up. It can be even more important to get involved with local elections because your vote has more weigh and the issues at hand may have a more direct impact on your life.

  2. It’s an Opportunity for change

    Voting gives you an opportunity to make a positive impact and support the change you want to see. You can best prepare for voting by researching candidates, policies, and understanding what will be on your ballot.

  3. Your Community depends on it

    If you are considering skipping voting because you don’t feel affected by the election (hello white privilege), reconsider voting as a way to support more vulnerable populations and communities that you care about that may be more negatively impacted by an election that doesn’t go in their favor.

Vote Rainbow by Chelsie Tamms

Chelsie Tamms Headshot by Violet and Ivy Photography


Chelsie Tamms is an award-winning lettering artist and designer based out of Chicago. She is the owner of Lettering Works, a branding studio that connects businesses to their audience through creativity and strategy. With over 10 years of practice of lettering and design, Chelsie is passionate about craft and intention. When she’s not designing, she can be found eating ice cream, traveling internationally, or starting a new passion project.


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