Laughing Angels Branding

Get to know Monica Dougherty, the multi-faceted artist behind Laughing Angels.

Photo provided by Monica

Custom lettering by Lettering Works

Tell me a little about yourself.

I am an artist, art therapist and published author. I'm also very excited to be launching a group of whimsical and merry beings, the Laughing Angels, out into the world very soon! My recently published book, "Rose's Ring: Inheritors of Silence and Secrets" is available as a paperback and e-book on Amazon and will soon also be available as an audiobook. All of that keeps me pretty busy!

What is your background that led you to create?

I'd say I've been creating since childhood. I didn't have formal art training until college and graduated with an MA in Fine Art. I did freelance illustration work for the Goodman Children's Theater, Children's Memorial Hospital and freelance graphic work with a variety of clients. I've taught elementary school art and am now the art therapist at a non-profit organization.

Custom Logo + Color Palette

Custom Business Card Design

What led you to start your business, Laughing Angels Ink?

I've thought of starting this for many years. Getting my branding done has given me the boost to venture out with my art!

Why is your business named Laughing Angels Ink?

I had created a business plan to design and sell environmentally sound bags. All was in readiness: designs lined up, a business name chosen and a trademark applied for and granted. Then....came a certified letter with a lot of lawyers' names parading across the top telling me I could not use my chosen name. Long story short, as I didn't have "many thousands of dollars" (trademark attorney's words to fight), I ceased and desisted. After a time a new name was dancing around in my head - "Laughing Angel" and I was off in a whole new direction. When Laughing Angels are knocking on your inner door, you'd better listen. And over time, a whole group of whimsical and merry beings appeared and I was ready!

Laughing Angel by Monica

Laughing Angel by Monica

What are some of your short and long term goals?

I have a number of goals as I have a number of projects! My first goal is to launch the Laughing Angels for licensing. Next, I'm hoping to sell the script I wrote based on my novel. And continue selling my book. I also have two children's stories I'm itching to begin illustrating.

What is a favorite project you've done?

My most favorite project was publishing my book and pitching my script. I've entered it in a few script contests and was thrilled that in May 2024 to have won Best Historical Drama in the Cambridge Script Festival in the U.K.!

Laughing Angels first round logo designs from Lettering Works - Monica choose two options which she will be using for two different arms of her business

How would you describe the process of working with Lettering Works to establish your new logo? What did you enjoy most?

I totally enjoyed all aspects of working with Lettering Works! It helped me to really dig down and frame my ideas and goals. It was exciting to see the ideas that Chelsie provided and we had a most easy working relationship!

What value have you received from your logo?

My new logo gave me the confidence to get things put in motion! When I worked with my business card printer, an associate was helping me with the order and he said it was a "beautiful logo" and that was great to hear.

Old logo vs. reimagined logo

Reimagined logo (stacked)

Why do you think artists should invest in branding their arts business?

As artists we can often get lost in the weeds in terms of how to showcase and market our work. If you have a good concept, it is totally worth the investment in branding your arts business!!

Find more about Monica Dougherty and her work at


Lettering Works Business Journal - August in Review


Lettering Works Business Journal - July in Review